Massachusetts PFML Private Option
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Get a PFML quote from a Private Insurance Carrier!!


Now that you have had to adopt PFML and you have cancelled your chort-term disability insurance, we have noticed two problems that have arisen.


  1. Employees earning $1270 per week will max out on the $850 per week of PFML benefits
  • For Employees earning less then $715.83, the benefit will be 80% of their pay.  If you earned $715.83, the weekly benefit would be $572.66.
  • For employees earning more than 50% of the State Average, they will receive a benefit of $572.66 PLUS 50% of the average weekly wage that is more than $715.83 to the max cap of $ 850
  1. Paid Family Medical Benefits max out at 20 weeks, while your  long-term disability policy  starts after 26 weeks?


Buy a Short-term disability insurance policy that 1) pays benefits to those employees earning more then $1270 per week and 2) pays benefits after 20 weeks for 6 weeks until Long-Term Disability benefits begin.